Number of focus sessions between long breaks.
Accent Color:
Sounds & Notifications
Make sure that your browser allows notifications from this site.
If enabled, white noise will be played during focus sessions. Make sure that your browser allows sound from this site.
Backup and Restore
About Tomodoro
Tomodoro is an open source pomodoro web app with features like offline support and PIP mode.

About PIP mode
Tomodoro supports Always on Top mode, or Picture-In-Picture mode, right in the browser, without having to install any electron app.PIP mode is supported on Chromium based browsers(Tested on Chrome and Edge).
Safari not tested (yet) but might work.
On desktop Firefox, PIP button will only make the video visible but will not activate PIP. To switch to PIP mode, right click on the video and select "Watch in Picture-In-Picture".